Saturday, September 7, 2019

School lunch box, week 1

The school year has started (finally!!!) and we decided the kid'd take his brunch and lunch from home. We don't have a good lunch box and insulated box (both will be from Ikea), so for now his lunches are cold.

A bottle (250 ml) of yogurt, veggies, egg and cheese baked in a bun.

Greek swirl with cheese and olive filling (bought frozen), veggies, a wholewheat crepe with sweet ricotta+raising filling, jam

A roll made of a buckwheat-wheat crepe and omelette, veggies, fried cheese, a wholewheat crepe with sweet ricotta+raising filling, jam

Fishburger (store-bought fish sticks, lettuce, pita), a wholewheat crepe with sweet ricotta+raising filling, jam

A buckwheat pancake with cheese + creamcheese, a corn pancake (gluten-free) with jam, veggies

Wholewheat pancakes

1 c milk
1 egg
1 c wholewheat flour + 1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp sugar
30 gr butter (melted)
some salt

Buckwheat-wheat pancakes

1 1\2 c flour (buckwheat + wholewheat)
3\4 tsp baking soda
4 tbsp butter (melted)
1 egg
300 ml milk
2 tbsp lemon juice or vinegar
some salt and sugar

Corn pancakes

1 1\2 c corn flour (not starch!)
2 tsp baking powder
some salt
2 tbsp sugar
2 eggs
1 c milk
4 tbsp butter (melted)


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